
My mom and I had a conversation recently about the statement, “If you could do anything every day that you loved every moment of, what would you do?” Mine was to play with makeup. Some people may find that to be vain, but I find it to be fun. A lipstick isn’t just any lipstick. It may have a satin finish or a matte finish, sparkle or no sparkle. Is it opaque or sheer? How’s the staying power and how does it wear? I could go on for a while but this section is about me, not lipstick.

So a little about myself: I have too many scarves and even more lipsticks. I think about what makeup I am going to wear the next day so my face usually looks more put together than my outfits. When I wake up in the morning, the fact that I get to do my makeup for the day gets me out of bed. I also enjoy being outside, loving my orange tabby, and finding that new cosmetic at the drugstore that you have heard every YouTube guru rave about.

The posts that I write will include first impressions, reviews, hauls, and tutorials. While it will mostly be geared about makeup, skincare will make a frequent appearance as well. My hope is that you learn something from my posts and I would love to hear your input about the products discussed or other products you recommend. There is nothing more that I like than discussing makeup and would love this to be more of a community of makeup lovers rather than just me posting on products I like or dislike.

I look forward to seeing you in the comments,